

訊息 / 活動 / 媒體2018年 06月 18日



騰訊最佳企業責任獎騰訊是亞洲最大的科技公司,估值超過5,000億美元,並迅速成為全球最具影響力的科技公司之一。 1月31日,在騰訊「智贏未來」高峰會上,佳通輪胎榮獲2017年度企業社會責任獎。該獎項表彰了佳通輪胎在工廠中對環境和社會責任的堅定承諾,以及當地社區。從生產端來看,佳通多年來堅持永續發展策略,不僅打造高效節能、安全的輪胎,也有助於減少輪胎全生命週期對環境的影響,以及更多企業社會責任的個人實踐。淡水消耗減少49%,煤炭消耗減少35%,二氧化硫、二氧化氮、煙塵排放量減少80%以上。在當地社區,佳通輪胎著力打造積極解決方案,打造幸福社區人與環境。最近的例子是,2017年藏羚羊大規模遷徙季節,佳通輪胎帶領14名全國志工深入探索無人區,協助保護藏羚羊,並向當地人捐贈越野輪胎,為他們的日常生活提供保護和工作。此外,佳通也向保護國際組織和其他組織做出了重大承諾。

Walmart Manufacturing Award

In addition to its environmental commitment, Giti Tire was also recognized for its strong manufacturing commitment by Walmart USA, the world’s largest retail company. The award was presented at the Walmart Supplier Growth Forum, and is specifically for offshore manufacturers who have initiated strong manufacturing operations in the US.

Giti Tire has focused a great deal on the quality of its manufacturing and research facilities, with its new US factory bringing in new jobs and technologies to local communities, as well as allowing for more efficient distribution. The same dedication also goes into each of the companies seven other factories in China and Indonesia.

“We are thrilled to now be manufacturing American made tires for American consumers,” said Julianto Djajadi, executive vice president of business operations for Giti Tire USA, who accepted the award on behalf of the tire company. “This award is an acknowledgement of a great team effort, demonstrating Giti’s commitment to the North American market.”

In addition to this recent recognition, Giti Tire was also awarded ‘Automotive Supplier of the Year’ and ‘Hardlines Supplier of the Year’ by Walmart USA in 2016.